Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cough, sore throat, and swelling for three weeks?

for about three weeks i've had a cough (started as a tickle, now often has phlegm or whatever it is and a rougher sound). the only time ive been able to spit out the phlegm was in a poorly lit bathroom, so i couldn't identify the color. i have occasionally gotten a little throat soreness. today, after waking up with a sore throat, i realized it was mostly on one side, and in the area where my mouth and throat meet. in the mirror, i appeared to have one swollen tonsil (that's what the thing slightly ahead of my uvula to the side is, right?) on the same side (left) as the soreness. my parents dont have time to take me to the doctor. any idea what it is?

Advice on how to meet people?

hi im 18 and meeting good friends is tough for me... alll i do everyday is go to school and go home or go to work i talk to people at school , yeah and try to make friends but othing is woeking. im not trying to be something im not ... its just really hard. i dont have any friends really to hang out eith ... everyone just sees me and wallks away ... when i comment on things on facebook related to my prom or anything my comments get deleted or people ***** at me and idont kow why : ( i dont have a boyfiend and dont hae a date to prom. i already spent 600 dollars on my dress and am debating weather i wanna wear it or not just becasue i dont no if i wanna go ... i actually dont have friends im not saying that. im venting on here because i have noone else to talk to.. people say join a club blah blah ... yeha ,, i did that 2 years ago and am still in in but havent made any friends.... not having a date to prom is really hurting me ... it makes me question myself like am i ugly? or fat .. why wont a guy ask me to prom? i already asked this guy not knowing he had a girlfriend and now he doesnt talk to me ... and it sucks because he would always flirt with me and it would make me feel good that someone actually was tallking to me .. you know what i mean? people say to keep my head up and be happy but its hard .... i have been trying to be happy since elementary school .. there i would sit outside by myself and not talk to anyone and would just think once i get to highschool things wil be different .. but no there the exact same... and now thats what im thinking for univeersity ... that when i move away i can just be myself and meet new people that wont have a reason not to like me here. i often cry myself to sleep becasue i cant deal with my insecurities. mainly them being that guys dont like me and people dont want to be my friend ......... i dnt no what to do.......... i cant go to prom by myself ......... i realized that i over think things and cant fix it ... i went out the othe night to the bar and saw this guy from work and he came up to me and said i know you yout gorgeous and it made me SO happy .. you have no idea .. and then we met up again later that night and he randomly kissed me on the cheek and i was like awe!!!!!!!! and then he left the bar holding hands with his girlfriend and yeah i wsnt to upset because i knew they w2ere dating but now at work he didtnt even say hi or anythin aoubt that night, yeah i reallize he was probab ly drunk but really ... i tried focusing my thoguhts on hapy things or other people but nothing works ... help? : ) please

What position do you think is the most athletic in the NFL?

rodgers cromartie and adrian wilson are my favorite defensive players too. love the cardinals. anyways i would say safety. you have to play corner and linebacker at the same time. a hard position to play

Any lawyers out there who can ansewer?

I had a check from a doctor who I over paid. The check was for $425. I lost the check and forgot about it. When I came across it a few months ago I didn't see an kind of expiration on it, but I called the bank that it was issued from to see if I could still cash it. They said that they wouldn't accept it after 90 days and that I needed to ask them for a new check. I have been calling the office manage (supposedly the only person that can help me) every day now for 2 months and she won't return my calls. I have a friend who is studying law and they told me "A check is a legal claim against funds, period. Meaning, an "expired" check does not deter from the fact that someone owed you that money at one point in time, and there is no "expiration" on that intent or obligations of funds to you. Even if an expiration is there, it has no legal standing." Is this true? What are the legalities to this? Am I just out of luck because I waited too long or is there something that I can do about this?

Can anyone tell me the life expectancy for someone with small cell lung cancer...stage 3, possibly limited?

My aunt has small cell lung cancer. she was just diagnosed and they are saying it is stage 3, limited. BUT there is also a small spot on her liver. I was just curious if anyone knew the life expectancy of someone that DOES treatment with small cell lung cancer?

Computers ... Freeze and sound issues?

Try defragmenting all of the drives, restart your computer and see if that works. If not, let me know.

Sistr Drivin crazy ..n out o control !!!?

I'd answer, but I have no idea what your question is asking. Seriously, if you're looking for help, use standard English!

Why the HELL can't I pick Dale Jr. nor Kyle Busch in Yahoo! Fantasy Auto Racing???????

You probably used up all their starts. Each racer can only be used 9 times over the entire course of the season and you have likely burned through all their starts. Time to look at the other guys in the "B" group, there are plenty of other quality guys there but you are pretty well screwed by not picking other guys before now. It is equal parts luck and skill, know when to start each guy and on what tracks do they tend to do well and which tracks do they struggle. It is a game that requires some skill and knowledge of how guys do on particular tracks and knowing when it is better to start a guy you might not otherwise favor. Time to fall in love with the Biffles, Kahnes and Mark Martins of the "B" world for you.

Why even rely on a "snow removal budget" when weather is so unpredictable these days?

I heard on the news that New York had a certain amount of money allotted for street snow removal (it was a lot, I forget the exact figure), and now that budget is at 0 because NY has already had 50/11 snow storms and it's just January. They got 14 inches of snow just yesterday. Bad weather can not be predicted in an estimated budget. Now where will NY get/ "borrow" the money to pay for the next snow storm that's headed their way next Tuesday ? The streets will still have to be plowed.

How to take off gogles in resident evil 4?

I'm no PC gamer so idk what to tell you, but what I DO know is that you don't need to use the binoculers and all you have to do is run past the tree into the village.

What song do you listen to every morning?

OMG I love those songs!! Lately I've been listening to "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias I know its kinda old but its really good. I also sometimes listen to Misery Business by Paramore

Does scotch degrade after opening the bottle?

Im getting a good bottle of scotch. I will only sip it for special occasions. I am wondering if it degrades after opening it. If so, should I pump the air out of it after each use?

Should I be concerned about the state of my mental health?

I think this is a difficult thing for anyone to comment on. Maybe you should make an appointment to see your gp and discuss your concerns to see if there is any help you may be referred to.

Teacher isn't hard enough?

In my science cl, there are students misbehaving and being extremely disrespectful to the teacher and other students. They interrupt ME learning along with the single other person who wants to learn. The teacher just isn't strict enough. She lets gum, cell phone use, swearing, being disrespectful just slide. She never wields her ability to punish those who take away my right to learn. She hasn't issued a single referral, detention, yellow card signing or any of the discipline steps that I think could be issued on a daily basis. What should I do? I know that if I tape the cl, everyone has to know that they're being recorded in CA. What should I do about this?

What actions could I take to protect myself in regards to bad behavior from a child under my daily care ?

I have worked for an organization for 16 yrs. which specializes in the care of school age children. I have never had a mark against me for any misconduct on my part in all that time. I basically follow our policies on dicipline which entail sitting out or privileges revoked when needed. If a child misbehaves we are also for the most part supposed to right up a report discribing the incident which is then to be signed by the parent. I feel that this one policy is sometimes abused- I feel that children are going to misbehave or not follow the rules from time to time so I don't usually write them up for every little thing they do unless it is something serious. I have two brothers under my care who come from a family with many dysfunctional issues going on in their home & they both have a tendency to bring these problems into the program by hitting other children when they don't like something, talking back to me, & basically defying me every chance they get which has become quite disruptive in the everyday functioning of the program. I have spoken to their mother on certain occasions & she usually speaks to them about their bad behavior in front of me & makes them opologize to me but, the next day they are back at it again. The final straw happened yesterday when the older child did not like the fact that I made his brother sit out & decided without my knowledge to call his mother on his cell phone & tell her that he was scared because I had put my hands around his brothers neck & was choking him. When she came to me & acused me of this I was, to say the least, flabbergasted. I told her that never have I laid a hand on any child & once her son was questioned he retracted what he had said & then was told once again to apologize to me. Now, today he is misbehaving once again but, now I feel that my job is in jeopardy because of what he might tell his parents. He can sence that I feel this way so he now thinks he can get away with anything he wants because he will call her with some made up story again. I did go to my superior about this but, she was not much help to me in dissolving this problem I am now faced with. I would appreciate any insight from someone who might of been in the same predicament before or any suggestions on what I might do to remedy this on my own. I would hate to have to throw away that many years because of two young boys who think they have one up on me. Help!

Agree or disagree with this list of overrated QB's?

not at all. I do think they are all a little overrated, but to put them in the top 5 overrated of all time, thats rediculous. The only one that should be there is Tony Romo, maybe Bradshaw, the rest should not be on that list.

System printer problems?

check that the new computer has not displaced the laptop on the network, wired or wireless? if wireless the number of possible reason is huge

What would be the effect if all of the copper reacted but enough oxygen was present to form Copper (II) Oxide?

If copper is reacting with sulfur in a heated crucible. This is a question on my lab. Thanks in advance for the help!!!! :D

How badly will we suffer under obama's marxist regime?

I know we can expect inflation, unemployment & interest rates to skyrocket, but I am also worried about starvation, violence, censorship, etc. What are our best and worst-case scenarios?

He told me if I leave him , I would never be able to find someone else..?

He's most definitely a waste of your time and a complete jerk with wayyy too big of an ego. I'm sorry. And I think you'd be doing the right thing by dumping him! You'll have enough time to find someone new.

What could make a dogs poop look like this?

My puppy we're still working on house training, pooped in the house and I noticed it looked strange. She normally has solid poop but it was a little squishy and yellowish and the look of it was like ground beef. When I grabbed it with a paper towel it squished and there was one little part that looked like blood,not even as large as a dime. Earlier her mouth was bleeding from a rawhide.

What is the difference between a memoir and a autobiography?

a memoir is more of a reflection in a specific time in his or her lifetime while an autobiography is more of a story about his or her life.

Sad News... What to do?

You need to see an orthopedic Vet and they can ess if this is debilitating and needs surgery or not. That can only be done with x-rays, not just a physical palpation. It may not be as bad as you think. Many dogs live fine, happy active lives with luxating patellas and mild elbow dysplasia. The other option is always surgery if needed.

Who was Faisal Shahzad working for in Pakistan?

i'm supposed to write a newsletter for my computer applications and i've been reading for quite sometime now and I can't find who he was working for anyway Faisal Shahzad was the guy that was charged for the car bomb in NYC

How to reduce tax liability by lending money?

My wife doesn't have any source of income.What is the legal procedure of lending money to her so that the income earned by investing that money in shares is not added to my taxable income and taxed to my wife?

What local radio station in Columbus Ohio will carry the Bob & Tom Show?

The Bob & Tom is going off of 99.7 the Blitz and my mom and I wanted if anyone knew which local radio station in Columbus Ohio will carry the Bob & Tom Show. Please answer ASAP if you know anything.

Breeders: Have you ever kept a pet-quality puppy?

If I had the room and time, I definitely would keep a pet quality puppy. I would enjoy having a puppy from one of my litters that I only planned to do performance events or therapy work or tracking/herding, etc. with. But because I don't have the room or time right now I am only going to keep pups that are show quality and have the potential to be bred one day. I will do other things beside conformation with these dogs too though.

Feeding a liquid diet?

Feed him twice a day about 1/2 of what he normally eats each time. Pulverize or blend the soft/can food with a little water so its easy for him to swallow it.

Mothers Day Gift Help?

HELP!!!!!! Mothers day is coming up and I don't know what I am going to give to my mother. I have 0 money because I spent it on a cello at a music store. I am pretty clueless. Is there any gift ideas you have?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Does the NHL hand out fines for crazy goal celebrations?

we all know that in the NFL (No Fun League), that the league throws a fit and hands out fines for crazy touchdown celebrations (TO, Ochocinco, Joe Horn, etc.). But does the NHL hand out fines for going overboard when celebrating a goal? An example would be someone on the Nashville Predators using his stick as a microphone and paying tribute to Elvis Presley or using your stick as a guitar and imitating famous rock stars such as Pete Townshend, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Hale, Gene Simmons, etc. or performing CPR on the puck.

Why can't guys wear pink or admire flowers?

or say stuff like 'awww' or ''cutteee ! ' etc. without automatically being clified as ''gay''... why is society so messed up ?? why is the world so stereotyped??... why can't a straight man openly express his emotions for things he finds cute ??.... women can cry at movies, no big deal.. but a man can't. gosh... men are more under social pressure to hide emotions than women, believe me ! opinions....

Does anyone know another song like this?

I like the song That don't impress me much by Shaina twain.. does anyone know another song that like that? it can be any Genre.. I really like that song cuz boys think they r so great, so i want some songs that girls tell them to f off and they arent so special.

TTC for 2 yearz and my period lasting almost 3 weeks...TMI?

I have been havin' very light spotting for the last three weeks or so...with mild to sevear lower tummy pains with diarrhea...what would cause this? I was about 2 months late on my monthly, and has been since i had a miscarriage (that'z what the doctors seem to think anywayz). For the last about week in a half i have been havin' the runs and just not feelin' myself. My stomach is super tight almost all the time even when i don't eat...i thought perhaps it was just a stomach bug but startin' to wonder if it isn't more. I am 26 yearz old and other then my monthly bein' wonky im in good health.

Problems with damp (tenant)?

i moved into my property a little over 5 weeks ago (rented) everything seemed fine for the 1st couple of weeks and then i noticed damp patches coming through on the chimney , on 2 walls in the living room, 2 walls in the main bedroom and on 1 wall in the spare room. now it has progressively spread and mould has appeared in the 2 bedrooms (in the main bedroom theres a patch about 1 foot squared) and in the bathroom, which is constantly damp (really bad condensation) i want to know if the landlord had to do any checks for the damp before hand because this is a problem that hasn't just occured over night and if they need to carry out the repairs. thank you

Whats a better car 06 infiniti m35x or 06 acura rl awd and why?

You can add a Technology package but it is almost like standard equipment because they all really come with it. It adds Navigation and some other small goodies

Deck staining - not necessary underneath? What about petrifying stains?

What kind of wood? If it is pressure treated you don't need to do underneath. If it is not pressure treated I would recommend an oil keep the wood as breatheable as possible. If it is spruce, it has already had its useful life PS I haven't used the petrifying stains but I did do some research. If you are willing to pay the price it might save your deck. 50 dollars per gallon/ 100sqft for 2 by stock

Can a devout Muslim believe that the Koran contains errors?

My understanding is that the belief that the Koran is the perfect word of Allah is the core of Islamic faith. So, if you think there are mistakes in the Koran, can you consider yourself a Muslim?

A simple cartoon in Bangladesh becomes death threat for the cartoonist and could trigger riots in Nigeria ?

You have to wonder why those who are in this realm of though have not figured out something is not making sense. I think you have a good question. Why is there little answers coming from those in the false concepts? I want to hear the answer genuinely as much as you do. Don't you wish there was freedom of thought and expression in Muslim based countries?

Missed periods for more than 2 months...But not pregnant.?

I have irrregular periods from the beginning...All said that it was ok and it will be normal after some i am married for 10 yrs..have a child, but still have irregular periods...last i saw my periods on Dec, 25 and then i got it on March 12.. Whats thiss? when will it become normal..Now i find it very difficult since i cant calculate my peak days and also keep hoping that i am pregnant and thn realise that i am not..whats the remedy to this ? or is there any solution to find my ovulation day? One of my friend said that it can be identified by checking the body temp. daily and on the ovulation day it will be higher than normal it true.. any expernces out there..Pls. Help..

Dealing with severe nerves ?

My friend has just text me saying she booked a tattoo for tomorrow but she's thinking of canceling now because she's scared of needles .I told her I'd go with her and talk to her but this girl has a severe phobia does anybody know any relaxation techniques or meditation that she could practice I'm fairly stumped because I have no experience with this thanks in advance :)

How do audiences change how you negotiate? What effects do audiences have on these negotiations?

In business each person is basically anxious to get the best deal from his own point of view or the point of view of the people he represents. You therefore adjust to your audience so that they may be convinced that what you have to offer is the very thing they want. It is vital to understand their mentality, their culture and their aspirations.

A question about scotch...?

I have two bottles of Drambuie liqueur which my dad got from his parents house around the 1970s. So I'm wondering, is it safe to drink? Because I know scotch isn't like wine where it keeps aging in the bottle so I don't know if it's still good to drink or not.

What would happen if English was the official language of America?

um making English the official language doesn't affect your freedom to speak whatever language you want in your personal life... they're not going to FORCE you to speak english 24/7. making it the official language just means that all government activities (federal, state, local, schools, etc.) would be in english. right now, schools with a high population of people that don't speak english must hand out flyers in other languages so everybody can read them (for example, where i life, there is a high Armenian population, so students with armenian parents have the option of receiving flyers in armenian rather than english); this won't be mandatory if english was the official language. translators are local programs and bilingual ballots would be elminated. it would kind of be an "every man for himself" type thing; if you can't speak english, you'd just have to deal with it.

Best place in upstate New York for breweries and wineries?

Thinking about either Saranac lake area (Lake Placid) or near the finger Lakes (Ithaca area) to visit a few breweries and wineries. Which area would be better?

Another question about evolution...?

just one thing i dont get, and that is how the DNA/genes change in evolution. For example, giraffe's apparently being litle ponies way back in the day... how does them needing to get food up in trees make them evolve? just because one giraffe says i want that food doesnt make the DNA go change itself. This giraffe may have its heart and soul set on getting that leaf, but honestly i dont think it changes ****. And mabye it littles baby giraffe's want that leaf too, and his ancestors millions of years later want the leaf, but it still doesnt change a thing. So what i wanna know, what "chemical" thing changes the DNA to make things suposedly evolve.

Is heading a ball in soccer(football) dangerous?

I've become paranoid about head injuries every since the Natasha Richardson incident. Are headers dangerous? I'm always afraid that I can get a concussion or hurt myself really bad. I've seen in professional games, the player will head a ball that has been flying at a high speed through the air and act like nothing happened. What's up with that? Are they just used to it now?

Carpet flick??

I think its by swiffer, not sure. I have 2 kids, so my living room carpet gets crap all over it really fast. I hate lugging out the vacuum out constantly...anyone tried the carpet flick? Is it any good?

SQL Syntax Error 2008 Studio Management?

Other than the error on line 16 of missing parenthesis, there are other errors in every statement. You did not terminate every statement with a semi-colon.

What laptop to choose? For engineering software, mail, spreadsheets.Good in multitasking,mail,speed, batt life?

Hewlett Packard was and still is one of the leading makers of computers... If it has on it what you require then go for it....I don't think you will be disappointed...

What is the wait time to re-take CCNA if you fail?

I havn't been able to find anyone who is sure on this, or anything on Cisco'c website. I have heard if you fail once, you can re-take within 8 days. After that its 6 months or something like that before you can re-take the exam. If someone could please clarify for me.

What is a pocket veto?

It's basically a loophole in the law with a long tradition. When Congress approves a bill and sends it to the President, he is allowed 10 days to either approve (sign) or reject (veto) it. If he does neither then the bill becomes a law by default. However, if Congress adjourns before those 10 days are up, then the President can do neither and the bill will not become law. The rationale is that the legislature has to be in session to affirm that a bill would become a law without the President's signature if he did nothing; if they're not in session, then a bill that the President has not acted on cannot become law.

Any ideas for "must-see or do" attractions near Stowe, VT?

Willing to drive to nearby states, if needed (3-5 hr. distance). Any suggestions for tourist hot spots, historical sites, kids activities, MLB ballparks/games? My stay will be about 8 days during the summer months - give or take a day or two for traveling.

Vivitar V3105 Digital Camera Any Good?

I need a cheap camera, I came across this on Argos, for �30 I was wondering if it was any good, I dont need an amazing camera, something that looks nice, works and comes out non blurry!?

How can i protect my files and folders from copying,deleting or editing ?

I have music and songs in my pc. My friends and some times their friends also use my pc. can anybody suggess me a way to protcet my songs and video files from copying or deleting or editing......even i dont have any objection for playing my song and videos on my pc ...I only want to protect my songs and videos by copying or deleting..................

Thiss idiot wont stop calling me what can i tell him?? any advice please.?

So my ex calls me occasionally to make small talk about eachothers lives but im starting to hate it -_- what can i say to him next time he calls, to make him feel like the lowest piece of **** on the planet, and to make it known that im jus fine without him and that i REALLY dont like talking to him anymore, without making it seem like im just cutting him off cuz im either jealous or frustrated? much thanks.

Best Non Legendary Pokemon to Complete My Team?

Garchomp should be the one with Earthquake, due to its being a Ground-Type. And maybe replace Outrage with Dragon Claw. You'll have more control that way and won't get confused. Anyway, for your sixth, Blissey. That's the one I always recommend. Why? Because Blissey is a tank. At its maximum, its HP is over 700. Its Special Defence is also ridiculous. A great sustainer for any team. Hope I helped! =D

Is michael phelps from mars?

No way! I know a fellow Martian when I see one. This human does not fit the bill. He does not even have our green skin!

Is prejudice learned or innate?

I admittedly have prejudices that I hold as I believe most do. However, even though I hold these prejudices I couldn't tell you why I have some of them. An example of one of the prejudices I previously had was of a coworker. When I first met this coworker he had a very strong southern accent and used words like "y"all" and even said "over yonder" in our first meeting. I immediately made a judgment regarding this persons intelligence, I kept thinking " what in idiot" in my head. After working with him for a little while I found very quickly this simply was not the case, he is in fact one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. What causes prejudice in my mind and the mind of others. Are people really inherently ignorant of what they don't understand or haven't been exposed to or while growing up are these things learned from our peers?

Is 'Executive Privilege' blanket immunity? Why does the White House think so?

A president may plead "executive privilege" but not invoke it as Bush seems to think. He and Cheney are in contempt of Congress. One more reason to impeach both.

Has anyone done the math excluding the Fraudulent vote in the Primary - Wouldn't Hillary have won?

It's clear that Obama has stolen his way into the Democratic nomination. If you take away the fraudulent ACORN voters, doesn't Hillary win by 200 delegates?

Chi Square on Linked Recessive?

I ran an experiment mating male fruit flies with a linked recessive wing mutation with virgin wild females. The expected ratio for the F2 generation would be 1 mutant male : 1 wild male : 2 wild females : 0 mutant females. Our data matched the expected ratios pretty well, but while running the chi-square to find out if our hypothesis was expected I got confused. I got all the way to where you look at the chart regarding degrees of freedom, but couldnt figure out how many degrees to use. To find the degrees of freedom we are supposed to take the amount of cles and subtract 1. I do not know if I am supposed to count mutant female as a cl bcause technically we do not get any in a linked recessive case. Should i count this and have 3 degrees of freedom, or leave them out and have 2 degrees of freedom?

Okay...wat would u do???

okay one of my really good friends WAS dating this guy and they broke up after 8 months! and i was always friends with him...and now since they broke up im startin to flirt with him and he is flirting back but ive been thinking that if he asks me out should i say yes? idk if my friend will get pissed at me...and dont no if i should take that chance..but i really like this kid....HELP!! wat should i do???

Why is the new Yakuza 3 ps3 game getting so much censorship when its a mature rated video game?

Why are they PG-13ing Yakuza 3 when its already got blood, violence in it and is rated Mature? Aren't rated mature games for 17/18 yrs or older? I know that you need your id to buy Mature rated games, so why are they censoring this game so much?

What should I do about my friends? HELP ME PLEASE!?

Ok, so I go to an all girls grammar school, so there's loads more b*****s than you'd find in a normal school. Two of my friends have started arguing there's four of us so I'll give us names : I'll be Bobbette, then they can be freda, creda and linda. Me and linda went to primary school together and we were inseparable,we still are. But freda and creda have got into a pointless argument over nothing, its been going for 3-4 months now and it drives me insane. I get really, really upset, I keep crying and sometimes I get angry and hurt myself. I think about ditching them, but how would I do that without linda? She doesn't mind them arguing, as long as she herself has friends but i would rather they hated me than hated each other. I wouldn't have anywhere to go. Apparently me feeling just a little bit suicidal isn't important enough for them to even TRY to stop bickering over nothing, that's right in four months, they haven't even tried. It's not just me, everyone in our form thinks they're being ridiculous. This one girl noticed I was really sad and asked me why, when I told her she sighed and was like are they STILL arguing? that's so stupid they've been going on about nothing since november! Its their birthdays soon and I know how I'm gonna feel. So what can I possibly do?

Will you help me correct the following sentence please?

Many people do not realize that no one individual is in charge of policing the internet; it has no headquarters, and no power switch. What is in place, however, are certain ways of monitoring the information it exchanges, and ways of penalizing those who violate a country's rules regarding use of the internet.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

US justice system still backwards because of religion?

First off, this never happened. Or, if it did, the person is no longer on death row. Using the Bible or any other book or papers during deliberation is against the law and the trial would have been made a mistrial and the jurors would have been released. Thats the law.

I feel humiluated becuase the only things i can really fit into are for little kids like 7 year olds? im 14?

im a14 year old boy, but im only 4'4, so, its hard to find a lot of "cool clothes" in my size, so i have to wear a lot of cartoon clothes, but im scared incase like other people laugh at me becuase at 14, you dont really watch cartoons? is it childish for me to still be wearing a bart simpson t shirt? i also have spongebob squarepants boxer shorts which kinda embaress me too becuase there for 7 - 8 year olds?

Would itbe over dramatic to call the cops on this cab driver?

I accidentally left my house keys in his car on Saturday morning. Hhasn'tnt been returning any of my calls. He finally called me back today and apologized and explained he works to jobs and is very busy. He said he gets out of work at 8 and will drop them off once he gets out. It is now 912 and he is ignored me when I called at 830. I just sent him a text. I dont know him and am worried he could of made copies of my keys. My city isnt the safest (i live in upstate ny) SHould I jsut call the police? I called the main taxi place and they said there is nothing they can do

Why to the evangelicals say our nation was founded on "Judo-Christianity" principals?

I don't ever remember Jesus practicing Judo or any other martial arts. He always healed people and rarely did he ever kick any *** except that time when he was throwing over the money changer's tables in the synagogue.

Questions about Bearded Dragons?

I just got a female Bearded Dragon. She is a baby and is approximately 7 inches long. I currently have her in a 20 gallon tank, but will be upgrading to a 50 gallon tank in a few months. I am using (2) Flukers Mini Sun Dome lighting fixtures with (1) Zoo Med Baskin Bulb 75W and (1) Flukers Sun-Glow Coil Lantern bulb 20W with a UVB from 290-310nm. I understand that she needs a day time/night time gradient, so do I turn off both the UVB and baskin bulbs at night? I have a cheap Critter Culture Night Heat Bulb 75W that was purchased a few months ago but never used. Will that keep her warm enough tonight until I can go to the pet store tomorrow? Also, any suggestions on the best night time bulbs would be appreciated. I just don't want her to get too cold tonight lol. I have a stick on thermometer on the hot side of the tank and it currently reads 90 degrees but I just read that they are not always accurate. I will be purchasing either a digital probe thermometer or an infrared temperature gun tomorrow, so any suggestions on the best brands would also be very helpful. Thanks so much.

Where can I buy t-shirts with actual Finnish print on them?

I'm Finnish, and I would really like to know where I can buy just t-shirts with funny sayings in Finnish on them, or band T's with Finnish on them. I've been searching for hours and I can only find Finland pride shirts; I want shirts that they probably wear in Finland. Please help.

Misbehaving iTunes !!?

I use iTunes for my music and have thousands of songs loaded in. Everything was working fine until a couple days ago. I updated my itunes and now at the beginning of most, not all songs are jumbled for a few seconds and then clears up. Does anyone have a clue why this is happening and if so how to fix it. Thanks

Whats in the vogue for guys rite now??

my personallity is cool people consider me a jock cuz i play football nd all tht but im nt like tht..i like rock muziq all types clic old grunge bands nirvana,pearl jam....nd so ya i wnna updatedate my wardrobe i always dress punkish bt i wnna go with the wats in??

I feel miserable in college studying psychology, want to drop out and study something I love. HELP!?

I think you should do what dream about, culinary arts. If your heart tells you to do it, you should. If you keep the psych major, you're only disappointing yourself. You might even end up failing because you don't have a true drive to complete of finish your studies. Why waste your time?

Why does political correctness only apply to minority's and black people?

You're the one who decided political correctness only applies to minorities and black people. Where I come from, it's equally disrespectful to call someone cracker, honkey, or whitey. I don't know where you're getting the idea that it wouldn't be.

Are tropical flake food the best food to feed a neon tetra?

I feed my platies, fantail guppys, coradoris, and my female betta. tropical flake and some frozen brine shimp and frozen blood worms. And my frogs get all that and some frog petlet also. Is there something differnt i should be giving them little neon tetras?

What do shingles Zoster look like?

Do they look like chicken pox and real sore? Can they also go in your scalp? What do you do other than go to your dr?

If the draft is reinstated do you feel that females should be included?

This is the time of equal opertunity and I feel women shuld also be drafted what say you, no pinheads please, and no kool-aid drinkers.

Airline Tickets? Minneapolis to Cancun Round Trip?

Anybody know a good place to get airline tickets (Roundtrip) with three adult pengers for less than $600 for the entire last week of march. (leave latest the 30th)

Can Shingles cause one side of the face to droop severly mimicing a possible TIA?

My mom age 76 has the right side of her face drooping severely,and has frequent headaches that have been attributed to Shingles. With her age I am concerned about possible TIA activity. She also has Alzimer symptons .

Since the word "skins" has nothing to do with golf, why do they call it the "Skins Game?"?

In golf skins refers to the lowest score on the hole. Say there's a foursome. One guy birdies and everyone else pars. The guy with the birdie won the "skin." It's the lowest score. There's no skin if two or more people tie at the lowest score. So in "The Skins Game" when a player gets a skin they get a certain amount of money. I think they may give their money to charity, not sure. A lot of local clubs and courses also do skins in local tournaments as a kind of side bet.

Is there a Pokemon Move like Endeavor?

I'm looking for a move that has the same effect as endeavor, but for a Lombre. Do you guys know of any?

Am i overpaying??????

I think MJD is going to be great this year, but his other 2 gives are sub-par and an obvious secondary, respectively. You'd be giving up Barber who, despite the few weeks he was sidelined with an injhury last year, was a beast for me. Andre Johnson has the potential to be the best WR in the league this year. Are you in a PPR league? Hell, it doesn't matter, I wouldn't take that trade.

Which one of these should I get first?

If i were you... TRY Rock band out.. its a pretty good game.. maybe even guitar hero... if not.. then go for netbook.. hope this helped!

Opinion on really short story?

that's great but i think that you should add more clues to what happens AFTER she pes out. but other than that i really lyke it great job

The toilet brush one of the best inventions?

we dint really give thought to every day things we use and take 4 granted ,well i have just used the toilet brush ,,,yes its a thought but most of us use them ,,,,,anyway i thought its one of our great inventions ,we have technology ,breakthrough in science all sorts of great things ,but just pause 4 a moment a think of the humble toilet brush ,,wonder how many ppl will read this and think of it

What does this mean and does it apply to my situation?

Sorry sweetheart but Kebert is right, your screwed! Do you even have a clue that you are a danger to the community, and that parents don't want you near their kids???

Wii Game Advice?

super monkey, sonic and pirates of the carribean. ive never seen rataouville so i dont know what it is about.. sonic and super monkey look like good games to play so i would choose them ^ ^

Getting very angry trying to learn Guitar! Can you help?

-_- you sound like a person with anger management problems, there's too many people like you on earth. Go away!

Is giving unconditional love really a huge sign of lack of self esteem?

Unconditional love probably only exists from a parent to a child. That said, loving someone does not mean doing everything they demand, and spoiling. You're confusing love with subservience.

Do you have any silly Christmas Traditions?

We always open one present which is always new pjs and have a pizza delivered! We started the pizza thing 4 yrs ago on our daughters 1st Christmas she was 11 months and she loved it! We have pics of her covered on bbq sauce munching wedges and garlic bread, and it was such a happy time! So we have ended up ordering pizza every yr on Christmas Eve its the only time of year we get a pizza delivery so its a real treat!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Calculus homework help please?

A Norman window has the shape of a rectangle surmounted by a semicircle. If the perimeter of the window is 24 ft, find the value of x so that the greatest possible amount of light is admitted.

In to kill a mockingbird near the end what did mr.underwood's editorial say?

This is somewhere in chapters 24-26. Mr. Underwood compares the death of Tom Robinson to the death of songbirds by hunters and children, showing the immaturity of the townpeople.

What are the major involvements of Africa in WWI?

other then that the nations in africa were being robed of their resources to fuel the wars and to help profit the bankers of the world who loaned money to all the countries regardless of who was fighting

Why doe Sahara Palin lie so much?

She is telling her supporters what they want to hear and they don't care whether she's lying. She doesn't care whether she's lying and she knows that they don't either.

What is this thing from?

well OBVIOUSLY we have a BASILISK in hogwarts school. he's climbin in yo chambers, snatchin yo mudbloods up, tryna petrify em so yall needa hide yo gryffindors, hide yo hufflepuffs, and hide yo ravenclaws... cause they petrifyin errrybody out here.

Where can I find funny articles or stories about golf?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I'm being bullied, and it's eating me alive. Been going on for just over a year now?

Their is too much teen suicide happening because of bullying. The main reason she is doing this is because shes jealous, seriously. Girls can be completely brutal when their jealous...and thats all it is. Don't let someone like that push you around, they feed off of your negative energy, when they say something out loud and they see you sit there, head down, not saying anything, it only gives them more strength. You need to look her in the eye and tell her to shut the **** up and leave you alone because you dont give a damn about what she thinks or has to say about you. If the situation comes to blows then so be it, if you ask me, this girl has had it coming. Just be prepared and good luck..

My boyfriend is taking a huge interest in vegetation? Is this a ?

ROFL star for that its for sure the funniest thing iv seen all week hahaha the first person didnt get it

What is a comparible set of over-ear headphones to Beats by Dr Dre that are cheaper?

I tryed my friends Beats by Dr Dre Studios and I fell in love with them, but they are WAY overpriced. Id like to know if there are any comparable but less expensive headphones like these? Thanks.

What time is phelps race tonight 08-16-08?

does anyone know when phelps race is and if it will be aired live? I am in pacific coast time and nbc is starting the games at 7pm our time.

We are planning a trip from San Francisco to San Diego - Rt 1 - any areas to avoid enroute due to wildfires

We will be going over the next two weeks - especially concerned about Big Sur and Laguna Beach -- any Californians out there know if we need to be concerned. Will these or any other areas along the way be smoky -- we're from the East Coast so not real familiar with the hazards, if any.

I was walking around my local supermarket tonight and I noticed...?

That all the special offers such as buy one get one free etc were on "Junk food" Is this a conspiracy subsidised by the government so that we are less likley to live into our 80,s and 90,s (and beyond) therefore less of a drain on the tax system. Think about it people who are oap,s are not "economically viable" Therefore it could be a plan by the Government to reduce life expectancy by having us all overweight and unfit which (as a rule) = shorter life expectancy. Just a thought. Cheers

Underwater hull of a ship - which metal is best?

Visual inspection. I can tell you that the best metal is Copper. Look to see which metal is the least corroded after say a week.

How do you suppose Fred and George flew out of Hogwarts on brooms? You can't do that stuff at Hogwarts.?

Yeah you can, only magical transport is banned, e.g. apparation. It wasn't until the school needed protection from Death Eaters that it increased its protection and made a kind of magical wall around it that meant that no-one could walk through.

What is your opinion Mexican gangs may target Law enforcement in retaliation for a crime sweep over the?

They should be treated as terrorists, wonder if this will be considered hate crimes. These are the same gangs that splc refuses to name as hate groups but have included our American veterans as a hate group. Says much!! Send in the military to round their illegal tails up.

Idea for a clever headline?

I'm working on an article for my school newsletter relating to my school band. However I need a clever headline. Any ideas?

Is organized religion the false path for spirituality bcoz it is all about absolute truth?Christians gone2far?

Spirituality can be found in yoga meditation and yoga for example is not about truth but meditation and is itself a spiritual path from within adn identifying with ourselves. Religion is totally different and seems to be nothing to do with spirituality itself. I believe in god, and I believe in love, truth, repelling evil with good, and non-violence. I don't believe in destruction and wrath of an inconsistent god like Yahweh of the bible. The bible also has far-fetchd stories, but christians believe because they KNOW that there is a higher power. But isn't god infinitely evil and unjust for eternally damning us of finite sins? My view of fellow humans is not that they shud burn in hell forever. Mine is that of complete love. I know i know god loves the whole world, but it is not justified that he lets them go to hell forever. How can christians love a god like this? And why do Jehovah's Witnesses reject hell? I fink wen jesus sed believe n neva die is ok, but not disbelieve n burn.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why does my 2 1/5 mth old suck on her fist?

This is my daughter's favorite past time still at nearly 5 months. She has teeth now though and bites herself. It is part of your baby discovering her hands! She enjoys the feeling of her hands and realizing that she is making them feel that way and it also pacifies her sucking reflex. Wait till she starts teething and chewing on them, you'll have a drool monster explode in your house!

Conservatives: Do you think grocery stores should have to get rid of plastic bags?

I have SO many around-the-house uses for those plastic grocery bags... I'd be devastated if I couldn't get them anymore.

Y do people care what we r?

as an loner i have ppls hate me incloding fr sme dm reson parents HATE ME...(only because im a loner,same with goths...)so y do some of u guy hate us

I just settled out of court. Are civil settlements around $130,000 taxable? If so, how much will IRS take?

I need the aid of an accountant or business lawyer for my question please. One who is knowledgable in Florida State law would be helpful. Thank you.


Hi guys, I have an upcoming test to do. I've been studying all day and to be honest it's quite easy as my teacher has given me a revision sheet. The test is about Solute and Solvent, mixtures, solutions... that stuff you know? What type of questions might i encounter? Thanks guys

Why did Sweden repeal the estate tax and lower taxes on the rich and what effect has it had on their economy?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I dont know what to do!!!! Need some advice PEOPLE??

You will never know unless you ask take a chance if she doesn't it will be awkward at first but things will get back to normal when you guys are dancing I would lean in and ask her then since her friends are always around. good luck!

Typical japanese street fashion?

well i have a textiles project and need to find out about their fashion and culture so any links or personal knowledge welcome please.

Do you think this is wrong?

My guy friend who I am crushing on wanted me to walk with him home and skip practice (Im in this physical fitness club at school to prepare you for the army) so I could watch him play football with the guys ( he also has a thing for me). I told him no and that I might meet up with him later. Well, practice was really really tiring ( we ran a few miles in the heat and I nearly ped out). Im a good friend, so even though I was beat after practice, I still went to go see him. All his buddies were there so he completely ignored me. He barely said a word to me and I was getting mad. I do not like being ignored-at all. So I just hung out with a few friends and we played p. When I left, he didnt even say bye to me and now Im considering on whether I can handle being his girlfriend. Is it just a guy thing or is he being an azz? Im gonna talk to him tomorrow about it but calmly, I dont want to make it look like it was a big deal. He does this when hes around his guy friends and it bugs me

Back problems help me out here?

Hey guys I've been having back problems for a while. I'm a 15 year old that was in football till I had to check out my back. I had an MRI for it and the doctor told me the 4th lumbar is disintegrating and I could possibly need surgery. I've gone to physical therapy for 3 weeks and I have been doing the workouts that were given to me. My back is still in a little pain. Are there any other exercises that can stabilize my back again? And since my football career is over, are there any other sports that I could do? Thanks!

Who's had the best comebacks: Manning or Brady?

well they are both good ,super bowls, playoffs ,regular sesason ,and presesaon , but to me brady stands out the most because of his heroics in all of those combacks so I would choose brady, but thats my opinoin, manning is great to.

Which came first; the chicken or the egg?

After more than 7,000 years of man's existence, scientists have now "discovered" that the chicken came first. (Recent breakthrough in English science). If they had read the account in the book of Genesis, written over 3,500 years ago they would have seen that God had already told them that the chicken came first.- Gen. 1 19-21 shows God created the birds, and for that matter everything else in full mature form. This rule also applied to the trees and even the rocks; all when created would have an appearance of age. - Adam was created as a mature person, not an egg. He would have had the appearance of being maybe 18 to 25 years old when created. - Science gets things right sometimes, even if it does take a long time. Do you think science is right this time?

David Bowie Fans?

I was working in a bar a few years ago, and one night after we closed, I found something wonderful under one of the chairs. It was a David Bowie box set, the BBC sessions, from the beginning of his career, up until about 2000. I just love it!

Anyone near laguna park , clifton,whitney texas????

We are looking for a place to park a 5th wheel camper in one of these locations. He will be there for Work so we are looking for the cheapest long term parking available. Has to have electric and water hook ups. preferably in a kid friendly area seeing how we are bring our three children along with us. I hope someone can help ... thanks so much

Highlight black hair without Bleach??!?

Hi so I was at school today and saw this girl with GORGEOUS hair. It was black from afar but when u got closer it had a subtle maroon color to it. It wasn't so little that u couldn't see it. but it wasn't totally noticeable either. It looked like she highlighted her hair maroon without bleaching it but I'm not sure. So how would it look like to get black hair highlighted with maroon/burgundy highlights w/o bleach? thanks!

How long is a binette really effective?

My fiance and I are expecting a baby on August 23rd. As of now we have a nice sized 2 bedroom apartment in south carolina but we plan on relocating to Washington state in December. In trying to figure out what all to put in the nursery I decided instead of buying a convertible crib/changer combo; to save money and space and just get a binette for the time being. To me it makes more sense b/c we plan on moving anyways within the next 4 months and we can purchase all of that later. Im wondering though; just how long is a binette effective? I've read that they're good up to about 6 months, is this true or not? Will the baby be needing the spaciousness of a crib at 4 months old? Advice please....

Are there countries which child is legal?

I am asking this because I am trying to prove a point in the discrepancies of the laws in Canada or United States regarding internet child ography... is it legal in any country, or have countries just not enacted legislation ruling it illegal?

I stop pay my credit card bill i am worried what can they do to me if i dont pay them off?

Eventually they can send you to collections. This will destroy your already bad credit rating. Call a debt consolidation agency. Look for one in the phone book. They will probably give you a free consultation.

Is this the right thing to say to a gay boy I have a crush on?

I think you are thinking about this too much. Just be spontaneous and yourself. You can make the comment but just be charming and amusing as I'm sure you already are :o) Good luck!!

IAS exam help please? doin psychology hons frm jesus n mary collg....i want 2 appear 4 d IAS exm after graduation but have no idea hw 2 go abt it...i would be grateful if nyone whos already appeared 4 dis exm be4 or who koes abd d structure of d exm could guide me....thnx a lot!!!..:)

Dove posso fare una prova al banco?


Which of next year's animated movies looks the most promising?

I think Kung Fu Panda 2 takes it, I mean Cars was good, but now they are adding 007 stuff into it...which makes no sense how Cars 1 goes to Cars 007 2...

Does anyone know any effective pain relievers for Endometriosis pain?

My best friend has Endometriosis. She is constantly in pain, and I would appreciate any advice as to how this can be remedied whether it be prescribed medicine, natural medicine, herbs, spices, I'll cut off my own hand if it would help her. I have read a little bit and I hard that Evening Primrose Oil might help. Does anyone have any ideas? Relaxing music and things of that nature are out; that kind of thing doesn't help an impatient cynic. Thank you very much for your help.

If me and you played hockey right here, right now, what would we use as a puck?

I have a variety, you choose! Regular puck, sponge practise puck, tennis ball, or hard street ball? I supply the gear (right or left handed sticks, short, long, composite, wood, plastic blade.. complete goalie equipment, net, etc) if you don't have yours, that's what I do anyways when my friends come over to play :)

How much would a golf ball signed by Lorena Ochoa cost?

Lorena ochoa is a very famous golfer and I went to see her at a tournament, I got her autograph in a golf ball.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Teething Question (13 months)?

I went to the pharmacy to ask about pain reliever for my one year old. She's been cutting some molars for a few days and it's really been rough on sleep. She isn't napping, and at night wakes up every 2-3 hours once orajel and tylenol have worn off. I asked the pharmacist what she recommended that might help relieve the pain for a little longer, and she suggested benadryl, since my daughter also has some congestion as well from the teething. She also told me that 13 months is too young for molars? I don't think this is right but I'm curious about how old your kids were when they got their molars.

Why does my guinea pig keep sneezing?

I just got a new guinea pig for Easter. She is wonderful in every way but for some reason she has been sneezing. Others has said bedding and others said freshner. But I though and thought and wondered could it be the smell of my turtle. I'm keeping a aquatic turtle for spring break or my teacher. Do you think that's it? I hope so because I will be giving her back Tuesday. Please give me a opinion. Thanks.

I need help with center in american football?

i am about to enter my freshman year in high school......bench 160.......squat 325......clean 115........forty 6.0.........i am 5'9 215 hopefully i will have my growth spurt this summer.........i have experience as center....i am very o line and d line .........i have desire to be the best. can i get some help because i am lookin forward to having colleges knocking on my door......such as notre dame, texas,bama,lsu,texas tech, florida.............i need tips on what to do to get better much more knowlegable with film and blocking schemes and how to read defensive line and linebacker schemes so i can become a better center. and also if you could find a lineman coach in new orleans louisiana for me that would be greatly appreciatted.........

Math question....I am lost...Describe a situation when solving a system of two equations in 2 variables....?

Describe a situation when solving a system of two equations in two variables using the Graphical Method may not be appropriate for finding the precise numerical solution.

Why cant i get the runescape ghostly cloak?

im talking to vigorra in the rouge's castle and i have the rest of the parts banked. when i talk to him he talks to me about random stuff. can anyone tell me why? i really need cloak to get shadow sword!!! D,:>

What states can i use my VT food stamps in?

You should be able to use your SNAP (foodstamp) benefit in any state. SNAP is a federal program administered by states.

Plot hole in Deathly Hallows?

Does anyone else wonder why Dumbledore didn't completely incapacitate Voldemort in some way at the end of OOTP? If he had this unbeatable Elder Wand, there's no reason for him to lose. Why didn't he cripple Voldemort to make things easier for Harry? Why didn't Dumbledore beat him before the first time Harry stopped him? It makes no sense. Mind you the wand was supposed to be unbeatable, and clearly wasn't if so many people lost it in a duel (Grindelwald to Dumbledore in the first place)

Face or Body? come on guys???

Face, the body you can work with, but the face you can only do so much. So a girl with a great face definitely.

Are these people being accelerated???

People living at the earths equator are traveling at a speed of about 167 km/h as earth spins on its axis. Are these people being accellerated? explain!!!

Frozen foods - can i start freezing food now to use next month?

anything that is good frozen can be frozen for that month. of course some foods are better frozen than others. spaghetti ( even frozen all together) really is not bad. just let it thaw before reheating. personally i would freeze the sauce and meat together then just boil the spaghetti fresh when you want to eat it.

Who is likely to get more tackles this Sunday? Kirk Morrison or David Harris?

Many people probably do not know who either is. But Kirk Morrison plays middle line backer and he plays against Green Bay this week. While David Harris is filling in an injured player. He plays on the Jets versus the Browns this week. He is in a 3-4 system. It is hard to tell who is going to get more fantasy pts. But tackles are a consistent point bases. So i figure who has the best oppurtunity to get more pts? Both teams they play run the ball about the same. What do you think?

Does dustin diamond have narissictic personality disorder?

He definitely has issues. It sounds like he is either afraid of becoming skinny "Screech" again or he is trying to drum up controversy for self promotion. If you watch Club, they even say when it is just them together he is fine, but as soon as the camera starts to roll he flips.

Can you pinpoint the moment you fell in love?

My friends think I am crazy but I can. 7 years ago in my freshman year in college there was this really cute guy in my cl. After cl one day we went out for coffee and I bought him a cafe latte since he didn't have any money. The next cl session, out of nowhere he whispers to me thank you for the coffee while staring directly in my eyes. The way he looked in my eyes was so sweet and I will never forget that moment. We are getting married next year! What about you guys?

How do i make it up to him?

Today in one of my cles we were fooling around and i mistakenly did something i wish i never did to my friend and he was really hurt, crying even. how do i make it up to him

I'm getting a tattoo but I'm interested in how much it might cost.?

I'm going to get Georgia O'Keefe's poppies (she has three paintings of poppies, I'm getting the one with two poppies next to each other), around the size of my palm (I have small hands), on my back, as in one side of my back in the middle ish area. I know that I can't get exact pricing except from the artist, but I'd be interested in knowing a ballpark before I go in for a consultation. I'm planning on going to Blue Lotus in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, if that helps.

Can islam be reformed ?

it will disapear when Jesus returns before then maybe some of it may be reformed in some countrys but not the muslim states like pakistan I fear.

How long do you have shingles for?

Hi. The Pain from shingles can last for many months. The only time Shingles is infectious is while the rash is wet... once it is dry you can not p Chickenpox to anyone. You can not p shingles on but the fluid from the rash can give people who haven't had it chickenpox . Any one who has had chickenpox can not catch anything from someone with shingles.

Is there such software that automatically censors and or profanity?

Many internet security programs have a parental control feature which prevents offensive content to be installed or viewed on your computer. It also protects your computer from getting harmful viruses. I would recommend getting Kaspersky Internet Security 2010. Make sure you turn parental control on. Hope this helps =D

What rights do i have?

i hav been livin in private rented accomadation 4 2 yr gone feb, and i hav a short ured tenancy agreement. am just wantin 2 no how long i have 2 gave so i can leave the property. it has no year endin on my contract just a month

What are the former Soviet nations biggest environmetally polluting contributions?

Neither Romania or Bulgaria were ever a part of the Soviet Union. And about how recent you are talking about ??!!? In the past 10 years Bulgaria and Romania have leveled their environmental politics with the ones in EU because of their wish to join, witch happened on January 1 2007.

Cheating in L4D (Please Help!!)?

Ok so me and my friend play for fun not for points. In CS we would play all the time, just us, with codes. (I NEVER cheat when playing online.) So, i got L4D, and i just wanted to know that if i start a LOCAL FRIEND ONLY SERVER with just me and my friend (The rest being bots) and i use cheat codes in the console commands (e.g. z_spawn tank and spawn witches and stuff like that) will i get in trouble and get banned from Steam?

R&P: What are your favorite things in your music collection?

Cave in by the Gruesomes, or Goat by the Jesus lizard, or Primary colours by the Horrors, but i also have a compilation album called 'freakbeat and R&B nuggets' by Joe Meek which im rather fond of.

Where can i find some ray ban aviators that have a black frame and gold lens?

The only thing i can find on the website is green frames or gradient grey, is that the closest thing to black? or are there actual black frames?

Is there any idea on what the maxed out limit for average human life expectancy will be?

Life expectancy continues to increase, but is there any idea on what the maxed out limit will ever be? 200, 300, 400? And by maxed out I mean the ultimate point to which human bodies can survive without too much artificial changes.

SEO for e-Bay listings - whats the best strategy?

I have a good friend that sells on eBay on the side. I want to help her gain more traffic to her eBay listings and thought that there might be a good SEO strategy suited for eBay listings?

Has anyone seen Clockwork Orange (1971)? Read On.....?

I watched it for the fourth time last night and each time I fell asleep right toward the end. Can someone please tell me what happened at the end?

Should I or Shouldn't I?

Well I'm 15 years old and I've been invited by UK models to have a photoshoot over 100 photos for a portfoilio by the vogue magazine photographer they have worked with many celebs! The photoshoot is completely free hair, make-up the lot! But I live in Northern Ireland so it's kinda difficult.

Fantasy Football i have week wr in santana moss, joey galloway, reggie brown, and issac bruce ?

and derrick mason of the ravens is a free agent and i dont know who to drop for him i have lendale white, fred taylor and which of them or any of the others should i drop for mason???

Hey Can Somebody Help Me With My Fantasy LineUp?

Ok so you've got some cleanup to do... I would start by dropping the Titans kicker and coming up on another WR that was not a rookie and instantly plug him into your starting lineup in place of Jarrett. I would probally drop Jarrett and get another WR too. I have no idea whos available in your free agent pool, but Im sure there are players out there with more upside. If you can trade the defense (which is tough untill you make it a package deal) get another WR. Your obviously loaded at QB, RB, and Defense so beef up the WR situation and you should be good... just get the rookies out of the way... I would have Bowe on the bench, just in case....

I think it's a nine inch nails song but if I don't find out the damn title i swear im going to punt an infant!?

It starts with a catchy b line that the notes get higher then repeats again and then the drums come in but its a slow beat. The singer sounds like Trent Reznor, I think. When the singing starts its kind of just like talking a lil depressed and like a i dont give a **** attitude thats low like its coming through one speaker and every sentence theres a pause before he starts again. then as the guitars come in he starts screaming but not a screamo scream. its on all modern rock stations on the radio. I dont know. but seriously if i dont find the song name i WILL go on an infant kicking rampage!!

If you're banned from a store for 2 years, and yet you stil want to buy something from there,?

could you order it online from the store's website and have it delivered to your doorstep? would that be legal?

Friday, December 16, 2011


She was a schoolfriend and we parted ways intermittently after school. the last time i saw her she had not long married a really nice guy called Kevin Murday and moved to Brighton East Sus. I am still in my flat in Tilgate crawley & I'd love to get in touch with her again.Maxene Ryan formerly maxene Huntley.

Im not really able to take prenatal vitamins what about flinstone?

im almost 8 weeks pregnant and i throw up a lot. i have prenatal vitamins but they just make me throw up worse. i hear that it is normal to not be able to take them early in the pregnancy and while i have bad morning sickness. i have tried taking them at all hours of the day. nothing works. sometimes i am able to eat gummy worms and keep them down. i don't know why but i do. i hear taking flinstone vitamins is a good substitute untill i get back on track. is this true??? if so is it ok that i get the gummy ones or do i have to get the chewable ones....blah.

What song is thiss????

soo i heard this song at a football game and its rly annoying not knowing the name its like a rap ish song and it repeats whoop that *** alot.. so yeahh thankss!

Should the agricultural subsidies be stopped?

In the US, just about every single agricultural subsidy has hurt the Americans it was supposed to protect. So. I wouldn't reccommend anyone allow their government to do the same.

Good trade offer in fantasy football?

Well, that is tough. Obviously Brady is gonna put up more than Wayne or Parker individually, but Muhammed isn't gonna do much himself. Honestly, I would probably do the trade, and then just turn around and look for someone else to replace Muhsin. You do have some good WR's to back that up, however, your RB's are fairly weak. Try and see if you can pry a RB out of him, and if not, just do the deal and look for another back to help you out. Good Luck!

Any prosecutors out there?

How does it feel to know you sent an innocent man or woman to jail, I am almost sure that it is more the less a battle of minds but you are playing with lives, i just curious do you sometimes feel bad win or loose?

How does delivery from Net-a-porter (online shop) work?

Its not like they have their own delivery company. They use companies like Fed Ex UPS etc. They will drop off the package and you will find it there when you get home. Same goes for any other clothing store you order from. I order clothing from Victoria Secret all the time and I have school in the morning, when I get home, its on the front porch.

Is this paragraph cute?

I could feel your hand bump against mine as we walked and every time it did, I felt little sparks of electricity flow between us – and I knew that if my heart skipped too many beats I’d be sent into cardiac arrest, and only the electric touch of our hands could save me.

Having troubles losing fat, diet help?

I happen to be a tad bit chubby. For about 2 and a half months now, I've been exercising regularly. I started out at 182, now I'm about 191. I'm certain that 9 lb gain was from muscle, because I've been eating healthier and not as much as I used to. But, I still have quite a bit of excess fat around my chest and stomach. I think I need to change my diet more. Admittedly, while I haven't been eating junk food, I've been eating a lot more chicken and turkey for lunches and dinner, and oatmeal for breakfast. But I still feel I should change it a bit more. Any help would be much appreciated. As of now, I'm a 19 yro 5'9'' 191 lbs.

Dating and personals advice?

I was married for 20 yrs, in 2 relationships since (both involved abuse and infidelity) haven't dated for 8 mos.,am thinking of trying online dating. needless to say i have a few issues, trust being uppermost. any suggestions, advice or help?

Can you redo a last year of a BA (Hons) degree?

I'm pretty sure you can not resit you final year. Would be even more doubtful if you could do it at another university.

Why do boys block ex girlfriends on facebook after breaking up with them?

My ex boyfriend blocked me on facebook for only a month then unblocked me?? wth why do guys block their ex girlfriends when they are the ones who broke it off?!? Then why do they unblock them ahah it makes no sense to me

Process Server stalking/harment scare?

I tell everybody to call the police even when shaky stuff is going on. Your pop should not have left your mom and U in this pickle. Since they are looking for your pop and bothering your mom and U, call the police and tell them so. Your neighbors know more than U think they do.

Recycling textiles for waste?

I have some old clothes, sheets and pillowcases that are not suitable for donating to charities. Is there a company that recycles textiles ? I live in Melbourne Australia and am having difficulty finding a company that can recycle old materials.

How do I get songs on limewire onto itunes?

I have 330 songs on limewire and only about 100 of them are encoded with itunes. Is there any way I can encode them?

Question On DNA Information?


Medication for panic attacks?

what do they normally give people for panic attacks? I'm 16 and havn't told anyone that I'm having them so severly i do not want to drive or go to school anymore..

Can i be a vegetarian if i consume dairy products?

It really depends on your reasons for becoming vegetarian. If it's to reduce/eliminate your reliance on foods which (directly) require animals to be killed, then you might want to rethink including products containing gelatin and/or rennet. At the end of the day, it's your personal choice, but most vegetarians would not consider a diet which includes gelatin and rennet to be a truly vegetarian diet. If you really want to be vegetarian, then there are alternatives to gelatin and rennet (agar agar-based jellies/jellos, cream thickened with vegetable gums, full-fat yoghurts, cheeses made using microbial coagulants, etc.).

Charging new laptop battery help?

I just got my first laptop ever and I'm a bit clueless when it comes to laptops since I always had only desktop, however I got this laptop and I was wondering if it's normal for a battery to only 'hold' 1.30hrs? because I bought a Lenovo g550 before I changed it for this one and Lenovo had about 3hours 'hold' when I turned it on without charging it first, so why would this one have so much more less? also is it maybe the reason, because I haven't charged this new laptop (MSI cx605) for 12 hrs yet? because I read some sites say you don't have to charge it that long, but when you get a new cellphone you gotta charge it for 12-24 hrs too, so can you please tell me if I have to do it with my laptop too and if then my battery wil hold longer like Lenovo's did?

Desperately In Need Of 20 Questions Answered On Harry Potter Sorcerer's Stone Book?

What odd thing occurred as Voldemort's disapperance was being celebrated? After Dudley learned of Mrs Figgs broken leg why did he pretend to cry?Harry moved into Dudleys 2nd bedroom right after what? Hagrid lost his temper and tried to turn Dudley into a pig right after what? Everyone in the Leaky Cauldron suddlenly went still & silent when they what?What happened when Harry waved the 1st wand Mr. Ollivender gave him?Ron was given scabbers instead of an owl because?During the Sorting Cere. what horrible thought struck Harry? Pro.McGunagall toook Harry to Oliver Wood after she saw Harry do what?How did Malfoy tirck Harry after challenging him to a wizard duel? When Harry saw Snaped injured leg he thought Snape had?Wood told Harry to finish the game against Hufflepuff early before? How did Harry make Fluffy fall asleep?Harry was able to walk through the black fire after? Why was Harry able to get the Stone out of the mirror?

Why do i eat so much?

you just need to cut down on your eating slowly. not fast. cause like you said, you'll get light headed, etc. another thing, if you are eating a lot, try to make it healthy. that way it's not as bad. also, try to keep yourself really busy so you dont think about eating as much. that way, hours will go by and you'll be like, whoa i havent ate in 3 hours. then you eat. catch what im sayin? i hope this helped :)

Who do I look like?

You are pretty on your own, each of the comparisons are somewhat alike (mostly in the hairstyle). You have that look without a small army of hair stylists and makeup artists. You have achieved the perfect look, but none of us should neglect our inner beauty. Read a book, write a song, paint, sing, live.

Does anyone tend to get bored when listening to most lupe fiasco or nas songs?

i onyl wish lupe could find a better fkin producer and nas needs to keep lettin polow da don make hm beats

Should I keep taking the Robitussin or see my doctor?

I'm 37 weeks pregnant and have had a bad cough. I cough up some phlegm/sinus drainage in the morning, but the rest of the day it's mostly a really hard dry cough. I do have asthma, but during my pregnancy it's never been this bad. I have taken 4 doses of the Robitussin throughout the night so I could get a little relief. It seems as if the cough is worse this morning. I have an ob appointment tomorrow morning and have tried to get a hold of someone in the office with no luck. Should I continue to take the Robitussin and wait for my appointment or get in to see someone today?

Please , who can tell me why this hard disk serial number display program is not working?

A hard disk is not a SCSI-2 media changer device. The IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_PRODUCT_DATA call only applies to devices that support the SCSI-2 media changer interface (such as tape libraries). Depending on exactly what you're trying to do, IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_SERIAL_NUMBER might be what you want.

I shave my private area?

To make my man happy! But... He looks like a caveman and smells like asewer when i give orak to him how do i tell him to cut that busdh off and get lik me

English help really need quotes?

I need 5 quotes from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley that validate the theme of censorship and page numbers. PLEASE HELP!!

I'm worried that I'm destined to never get married, what should I do?

well let your Gard down a little so a man can talk to you .. gee if your in the air its going to be hard to get to talk to you ..

Need someone to ist me in french for beginner?

j'etude francaise pour une anne et pense que je peux t'aider.envoies mio un message a mon ou contact moi par mon Yahoo!messenger ID:pain_and_ecstasy.

: TMI, sorry, but, is this normal?

l had yesterday and it was quite rough and hardly with no lubricant, anyway, today l've been going for bowel movements much easier and l was constipated before l had . ls this normal?

Is 100 pounds a day enough for spending $?

My hubby and I well be in London for 6 nights. we have our airfare, travel card, wicked tickets, and hotel all prepaid. We are worried that 100 pounds each per day isnt enough for food and extras. Any clue?

My own made earthing line is of 1.00 Ohm. But Neutral to earth V. at my home fulucuates from 0.4 to 15 Volt.--?

whether tested with my own made earthing or with power supplying company's earth line. How can I bring down and stabilise Neutral to Earth voltage to 2 volt. or below?

Leaving the county for a visit is it ok?

I live in nevada and i have 2 children and my boyfriend is the father to the youngest one, I live in reno and my mom and best friend live in carson city can i go to carson without him saying its ok? i don't know how to look this up can someone help me thank you

Why didn't the leaders of 1776 realize how "without represenation" would be misinterpreted?

Why didn't everyone who lived 200 years ago see the future of everything that would happen for the rest of time? "No taxation without representation" was a slogan during the revolution, but it is not a law.

11 year old....?

It sounds like a good group of bands to listen to and its awsome that someone at 11 likes older bands like Skynyrd! At her age, I also was not interested in barbie or Disney or any of that childish stuff. I turned out to be a well rounded person. Of coarse if you find some songs with questionable lyrics as a parent (if you are the parent) you could monitor it, however, this may mean that she is just a bit more adult than others her age. Let her enjoy the music that she likes instead of trying to get her into things more age apropriate. Good Luck.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is causing a wobble/vibration in the front of a 2000BuickParkAvene only whe ndriving between65&75mph?

Wobble/vibration only occurs when .speed is between65 & 75mph. new tires & alignment were done. Car rides smooth as silk at all other speeds.Anyone else have this problem Help

What size victoria secret PINK hoddie and sweatpants would i need?

I'm going to say XS. I have extra smalls and they are big for me and I am the same size as you (but 2 inches shorter). Maybe you should try some on in a store? Hope I helped! :)

How can I convice my parents to let me pole dance?

Your Parents are not thinking about it in the way your thinking about it. In there minds a strip pole is a strip pole. If you love your parents and dont want to crush them, wait till your older. Besides your 14, pole dancing is for adults. If your not mature enough to tell your parents your gay then your not mature enoughfor pole dancing.

If you're paddleing your canoe......?

If you're paddeling down the highway at 55 mph, and your canoe blows a tire, how many pankakes does it take to shingle a doghouse?

'I Wonder' by Humble Pie, the greatest undiscovered blues guitar solo?

Is the solo by Dave 'Clem' Clempson on 'Smokin' the finest undiscovered guitar solo ever? I think it probably is......

I get majorly turned on by. . .?

people randomly holding their breath, then letting it out. Anybody. Just like, making these "mm-eh" <---lol only way to describe it :p exhaling sounds. does anyone else? what is something wierd that turns you on???

Is 4 months old too young for a door bouncer?

That's about when my daughter started using hers. The baby doesn't need to be able to sit up independently in order to use one, as long as he has relatively good head control he should be fine. I wouldn't leave him in there too long, it's not good for the hips but 10-15 minutes won't do any harm. Make sure the crown molding is at LEAST 1/2inch thick and stable. Those door jumpers always made me paranoid.

Is there a place where i can find books on line?

I don't know if you would be able to download the book but there are plenty of bookstores online for you to choose from.


My ferret named Catieloua just turned 14 and he has signs of Blackheads acne! When I fist saw him this morning I noticed some bare spots with oozing zits. He had been outside for the night I imagined, because we have a ferret-door installed. I also noticed that one of his paws was all shriveled up, like a rotten shitake mushroom, and it was pitch black as night! Then his mouth started foaming, and I nervously started popping his zits with a needle I use to season raw chicken. Soon his zits tuned inside out and I could see his rotten flesh. I am really worried about Catieloua. Any ideas about what this could be?

Dose it anger you the fact the media is more focused on the killer of the 32 victims, rather then the victims?

I am so angery in the fact that the media in this country is more focused on the evil man who commited the killings on the Virgina Tech Campus, which in the end we see is what he wanted, rather then giving the attention to the ones who really deserve the attetion, the 32 innocent victims, and there families. Am I only a small group that feels this way, or do you think the rest of the country see's this too, and is sharring my anger, and want the media focus on the victims. The last two days, all I've seen is pictures of this evil man, and have seen not one picture of the victims.

Fantasy football----Ricky Williams?

when he is added to the dolphins roster, which isn't a guarantee; why do u want him? he's not gonna play this year, he was just re-instated; unless ur in a keeper league, which if ur playing on yahoo, ur not, it would be a senseless pick up anyways

Do you think girls from Cuba are stupid?

My ex-girlfriend is from Cuba and I hate her. She is so slutty and dumb. Her name is Dum E. Look at her profile and see how dumb she is.

What's best toy for 150lb tosa (japanese mastiff) 1 1/2 year old. he can destroy most rope toys in no time

Petco sells a fire hose toy that is totally indestructable. try doing a search for it. one of our trainers had a Rottie and he plays with it all the time, have you tried a kong? they are made of hard rubber and they are hollow so you can stuff treats or peanuter in it

UK news : re: Father abducts his Daughter and flee's to Pakistan - Should he be arrested ?

The point is moot. The father broke UK law, and so has UK law to answer to. If the child wants to be there or not doesn't factor in. She's a minor, and as the law goes, has little choice until she's old enough. In this country we work on a flawed system where, in the majority of cases, the mother gets custody of the children. Following the letter of the law, because the father didn't request custody, he should be put through a criminal investigation and the daughter should be brought back to this country. That's the law, whether you like it or not.

Anyone here in YAP knows an apartment for rent in Calamba, Laguna?

Seems like no one knows even me, I stayed in Los Banos before for 5 months and not able to move around Calamba.

Plz help! its urgent!!!a simple quest!?

if a number starts wid it an airtel conection or a hutch>???? nd if i have a number and i want 2 no that 2 whom it belongs,wht is d procedure???

I cant play protected .WMA files.? is asking license and i cant download it ..Error: your Netscape browser does not have "Microsoft� Windows Media Services" plug-ins installed. what should i do is protected

Does appearance have an effect on how you're perceived?

Of course most people like to say that they don't judge people about that, but its pretty much impossible to not have a thought cross your mind. I do think that they don't care to an extent, but im sure some will take you more seriously if you look clean and dressed nice, but do not overdress.

Inducing some Poopin'?

Does any one know how to make oneself want to poop? it dosen't involve laxatives and abusing my stomach with food?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

.. New songs, you know? I need new songss!! ?

What new songs you know now, the songs of the moment, please not be natasha bedingfield, and I have already ALL jonas brothers song and Miley cyrus, too.. But I want new songs like the ones people put on the parties!!

WHY is she acting like this?

theres this girl i thought she liked me cause her friends told me. we used 2 text alot but she never says anything more than hi when i see her at school. i catch her looking at me when i p her in the hall but she neva approaches me. then when i try to talk to her in her cl she acts really weird and cant look me in the eyes. its kinda annoying cause i want to get to know her

How to go about cutting ties with a church?

I was baptized methodist a few years back before I became an atheist. I called the church secretary and asked them to remove my name from their mailing list. I haven't received a call or letter since then. They never bother me anymore... Just quit going and whatnot. Methodists will usually leave you alone.

Should I take my daughter (7 year old) with to court? (Adoption)?

there will be 2 separate court hearings. One, terminating the other parents rights, which a child has Absolutely no place at, and a few weeks later for the adoption hearing. Which is something definitely to bring her to. That's a big celebration event in all your lives !! The agency that did your adoption home study should have explained this all to you. (all adoptions in the US require adoption home studies by a licensed agency)

My sons father isn't obeying court orders?

you need to get a recorder and record what your son says to you. this may help in the future. If you feel your son is in danger with his father then you need to make sure you write down everything.

Is Obama's inability to get Pelosi and Reid to broadcast their negotiations another sign of his weakness?

Obama said several times on the campaign trail that Americans would be able to see the negotiations on C-SPAN. Pelosi and Reid are blowing him off. Is that yet another sign of weakness for Comrade Obama barely a year after the "Hope and Change" rhetoric was at its zenith?

Is this contemporary story idea too much like Harry Potter?

It does sound really Harry Potter-y, and like someone already mentioned, Artemis is even borrowed from a similar fantasy book, not to mention that since your all ready borrowing ideas, the idea of a faun reminds me of the chronicles of narnia. Even the flying carpet could be from Alladin.

My lifes just been going downhill and i've been thinking of suicide? please help.?

I really try to be a happy person but, ever since my life's been going down hill.. I really feel like I have no purpose here on earth anymore. It all started on here, I met a boy on here that I started to take a liking too, We dated for 8 months until he left and now I miss him more and more everyday. I have a boyfriend who got my bestfriend pregnant, she has cancer. Since i've never met my current boyfriend.. cause apperantly his mother has him on lockdown.. I have a really big gut feeling that my bestfriend from school, has been pretending to be my boyfriend jake and try and make my life miserable.. all i do is cry now. I don't know what to do. Anytime I ask her if Jake is fake she just says "i would never do that to you" But jake has had so much bad **** happen, it's making me very depressed. I'm very depressed, I'm almost fourteen and I feel like I shouldn't have to go through this..

Which areas around Minneapolis do a lot of young professionals live?

I'm a single 23-F, moving from Northern MN to the Minneapolis area. I just got a job in the IDS center downtown, and I'm looking for apartments that are close by. I'd love to live downtown, but I don't really want to spend a ton. Do you know of any decent priced, safe apartments that wouldn't be an awful commute, and aren't senior communities or right by the U? I lived in downtown St. Paul during an internship and loved living there, but I'm thinking that commute wouldn't be too fun in the morning. Is the Lakes area nice/safe? Any advice would be very helpful!!!

Question about Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen *SPOILER ALERT* Do not read if you don't want the plot revealed!?

Here is my question: Why does he choose to build--of all things--a clockwork structure on Mars? Is it because he wanted to be a watchmaker when he was younger?

16 years old & nvr had a gf?

Find a girl with the same intrests are you, then do computer related stuff with her then it will seem like hanging out instead of showing off.

How to calm one of my male rabbits urges down?

I have 2 male mini lop bunnies called Rascal and Scamp. The problem I have is being recently given a perminant vactation from work the vets would not allow a payment plan to have them neuterered being only on JSA now. I am concerned because Rascal will not allow scamp to go anywhere withou trying to mount him. So Scamp has withdrawn himself to only staying within the kitchen with his back to the wall, They dont seem to fight and if I seperate them they pine for each other. They do love each other very much but I ask Is there anything that I can do to calm Rascals urges down until I can afford to get him neuterd. There is no sign of Scamp having these urges although they are both the same age. Im concerenced as I want them both to feel they can go anywhere in the house but scamp has resigned himself to the kitchen. They are not nasty or aloof and love attention. Just some advise would be great.

Does anyone think eminem went too far on refill?

Well, i'm also an Eminem fan and I think some of the best Eminem comes out when he raps about that type of stuff, but I can see you're point. However it just depends how YOU think about it. He maybe didn't go too far, but too far for you. I think I remember hearing in an interview on Relapse 2 he's going to have more emotional songs, but we'll see.

Math question?

Kirk just started a new job that pays $7 per hour. he had been making $5 per hour at his old job. Kirk worked a total of 54 hours last month and made $338 before deductions. How many hours did he work at his new job?

How can you tell if someone has A.D.D?

Well I have(rather HAD) ADD and this is basically EXACTLY the way I acted. I was medicated but it made me not eat and not sleep (really I loved that but my parents got worried) which is the only reason I didn't stay on it for more than 4 months...

Who Would Win?

Buffy the vampire slayer vs. darth vader? I know people a stupid question but my friend wont shut his mouth about it.

Do I need a building permit to turn attic into bedroom?

Many people would purposely NOT ask before doing it. You'll likely be told you need a permit and an inspection. If you do it without a permit you'll run the risk of the city telling you it is illegal when you try to sell your home. You might have to get a permit then or undo your work.

Have a question about what she wrote?

Sounds like she is at least interested. Typical friends don't tell each other that they enjoyed the time with you. Keep talking to her if you really do like her and see where that takes the both of you. Good luck!

Is it better to expose yourself to the H1N1 virus and increase your immunity systems before the H1N1 mutates.?

well, I had some strain of that virus earlier this year and I'm expecting myself to get the normal flu in the next few weeks like I do every year but nothing yet..

Which song is played in F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Season 3 Ep 11 at the beginning of the party?

The episode is "The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister". The song goes like "oooo ooooo ooo...."...but the tune is very melodic.

Are my contact lenses still good?

They are one month contacts and I only use them for hockey. They have been sitting in the same solution for probably 8-9 months. They are still submerged and very moist, so if I was and snitize them good will they be ok?

I am worried that I will loose my inlaws?

I split up with my ex husband 8mths ago and we are very nearly divorced now. Am just waiting for my absolute to come through which can be any day now. Things are almost the same as what they were between me and my inlaws. The only difference is that I just don't mention their son to them in a bad way as I would hate to bad mouth him to them after all it is their son. I would only talk about my ex in a general way eg he had the kids like in a conversation. To be honest they never bring his name up infront of me much either apart from general and I do find that we do all tiptoe around bringing up my exs name. It can be slightly awkward at times as I do feel that there is a barrier up between me and my inlaws nowadays. However I always make a real effort to ring them twice a week and I go and see them once a fortnight. That is as much as I used to see them but am not on the phone as much as I used to be with them. I have a new boyfriend now and have been with him for 6mths. My 3 children haven't met him yet as I wanted to wait until after xmas and don't want the upset as of yet. I am dreading my inlaws finding out that I have a new partner and just don't know what the best way of breaking it to them will be. It will be bad enough when my ex finds out and the kids meet him and my friends etc. but am I petrified that I will totally loose my inlaws. I see my inlaws as a friend/parents and have always been really close to them. The other thing that I am really worried about is that when my ex finds another girlfriend she will be the one to be made special by my inlaws and I will be pushed out the way and forgotten about. Advice needed.

Since the president has no credibility, why listen to the take on Gonzales?

I listen to the president so I can understand the jokes on the Daily Show, Jay Leno & Letterman.

What did air smell like 500 years ago?

If you could stand in a piece of countryside in 2006, away from cars and industry etc and press a on that instantly took you back 500 years - do you think the air would smell and taste differently?

What are inexpensive vacation spots for two not including airfare.?

We have airfare for two anywhere that Continental airlines flies. Unfortunately only the airfare is paid for. So we are trying to find a great vacation spot that doesn't cost more than $500.00 for accommodations and entertainment while we are there for a week.

Since Hussein Obama Lacks Gravitas Who Will He Bring To The Ticket?

Maybe you don't know the meaning of the word Gravitas because his personality has presence. Unlike the old McSame.

Do I need a psychologist?

So to start, im 16 years old. About 3 months back I had a mental breakdown. Its the first time Its ever happened in my life and it was horrible. Im wondering If I need to see a therapist or if theres other alternatives to what the problem could be opposed to some serious mental condition. Over the past 3 years Ive experimented with mushrooms(psilocybin). Mainly over last school year, about a year back, I did mushrooms probably around fifteen times. So lets see... events leading up to my mental break... 8 months of weed smoking EVERY day,doing mush on weekends, during the last 2-3 months leading up to my meltdown I had been smoking upwards of an eigth of marijuana a day. I went on a camping trip with some friends and took 4 double doses of LSD and during the entire trip all I could do was ridicule myself for feeling so stupid. It was so unbelievably hard to think, my mind just made sort of a buzzing sound at any attempt to think or even form a sentence. I had done lsd 2 times before this but never so much and have never experienced any negative repercussions. Since I have been questioning alot about how the normal person thinks... whether I completely diminished my seratonin levels, but none the less ive been experiencing periods of great bliss and periods of extreme depression that usually can change about every 2-3 days. I dont know if I could also be a result of the legal bud or "spice" ive been smoking and constant weed smoking lately or if I had some pre disposition to bipolar disorder since my mom was diagnosed with anxiety issues but had symptoms seriously related to bipolar disorder and my great grandma was schizophrenic, also my mom ped 4 years ago when I was twelve I dont know some residual feelings could be contributing to my mood I never saw a therapist but I dont think its really too relevant. I just want to be okay. sometimes I just cant help but feel like I messed up my memory or somethings wrong with me I just dont know what to do. Im thinking possibly completely stopping weed smoking could help me level out but Id appreciate any advice. My apologies for the blunt title its just something ive been yzing so much and am so apprehensive to I think i need some other opinions.

Can my dog tak benadyl?

her face is swelling, shes having an allergicc reaction to something, her eyes are closing, and her lips keep swelling

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Please Read!!! I Need Help!!!?

you said you are a real pussie, instead of complaining about you being a you should just go get some pussie you know what im sayin :)

Is having a dog kinda like having a kid?

I'm taking care of my cousins puppy while she is on vacation. It never shuts up, it bites, it craps anywhere, it constantly demands attention, it dumps its food bowl every time I fill it, ..... Enough to call up my doctor and schedule a vasectomy.

Cash for a wedding gift list, how do we do it tastefully?

just tell the people that ask what you want. tell them you are saving for furniture. You shouldnt put it anywhere on the invitation. If you get duplicates, just return then for cash and use that toward the couch

Does Macy's have good sales on the day after Thanksgiving? What about Nordstrom's?

I'd like to get my mom a couple of blouses or jackets for Christmas and I'm wondering if anyone knows if these places actually have good sales after Thanksgiving. Are the clothes affordable with the sales, or still overpriced? (I'm college student with a limited budget, but I'd like to get her some quality clothes.)

University of california irvine, or uni of cali riverside?

definitely Irvine. It ranks higher than Riverside out of all the UCs. Riverside ranks as the second lowest UC, just above Merced. Irvine, on the other hand, is one of the top 5 UCs and was listed as a 'Public Ivy'.

Did not get my study materials.?

Perhaps, you can call the IGNOU Regional Center and find out if the material has been dispatched? If not, you can actually go to the latest study center and pick up the material. My colleagues who did not receive their material went to their related study center and got it from there.

If women want agalitarian relationships and equality, why do they?

If this has been the case with you I would suggest dating a feminist. Not only do they promote equality but they also practice it.

How do NHL goal horns work?

No automatic sensor. There is a man in a booth near the referee phone booth thing to contact Toronto for reviews, he presses the on whenever he thinks that the home team scored a goal, and then the horn sounds, and a song or whatever plays.

Why are immigration reform activists saying do not arrest Hispanics this could lead to racial profiling?

...I am a product of immigration, but nobody has EVER stopped me on the street and asked me to furnish proof of citizenship. Now why do you suppose that is? I think it's because I am white. My neighbors, on the other hand, are not so lucky. They are just as much citizens as I am, but they have to prove it to the cops because they are brown.

I'm having with my mothers boyfriend??!?

I'm 16, and I'm having with my mothers boyfriend, she doesn't know but I do feel a bit bad! But the is amazing! He recently booked us a hotel room for the night, I told my mother that I was staying over a friends, we had all night, he turns me on when he says do u want me to bang that wet shaven tight pus sy? It was one of the best nights ever! We do lodes of adventurous things like, I've gave him oral when he was driving and he's fingered me while driving, we also done oral while my mother was upstairs in the shower. I know we should stop but the is amazing! He buys me y underwear and vibrators for me to use when he ain't there. I love it! I feel bad for my mother but I love the sex. What do I do!?

Does anyone know how i can make music for a cello?

I have to do the P.O.E project for my orchesta cl, and i have been looking on google to see if i can find a website that lets me. Does anyone have any ideas?

Identifying age of antique dresser?

We bought an antique dresser at a Thrift Shop. The most unusual features are that it has wheels made of wood, and also the drawers have no tracks, wheels, gliders, or anything. They are just boxes that slide into the dresser. The design on the front is nice, but simple. It seems to have been done with a comp. The top drawer appears to have been done in 4 different color stains. I know this isn't much to go on, but any idea we can tell how old this is?

Can you try to make this story better?

You started the story off as MacGyver and you'll end it as MacGyver...if you need any additional instruments for your escape, get a quick round of jaking in there for its adhesiveness and nutritional value.

Half-life question by Carbon-dating?

If u ume 100% C-14 at death...which usually is not true...100- 81 = 19 19 x 5730 = x I can not do x because I do not have a calculator. it is approx. 20 x 6000, so approx. 120,000 years?

Am I doing the right thing for my hamsters? They live in a natural way in social groups but....?

Hmmm, I've never heard of anyone devoting an entire room to their hamsters. Normally most dwarfs do not like very much company of their own kind, they tend to be solitary creatures as they age. But there are always exceptions. I think it is a very good idea that you put them in large tanks at night, if not to isolate them, but just to make sure everyone is accounted for. It's also good that you monitor the breeding because inbreeding is a concern, but you seem to have that well under control. In a completely wild setting without any human interaction hamsters will breed as long as they are able. Typically the babies will leave the mother after a month, maybe a little longer, as they are close to full grown and can eat solid food and forage for themselves. The female may wait a couple weeks before breeding again, she may not. I say as a guess that the most they breed willingly is 12 times a year (or about once a month) but I don't know that they would want to do that all the time, so closer to 6 or 8 is probably what your looking at, at least for a maximum. You said some of them are a few years old, so those are probably done breeding. Since they have so much room to themselves if they want, then I think what you are doing is the right thing, especially if you've been doing it for so long and had no problems. Unless you start to see issues arise (like inbreeding, over breeding, fighting, illness, etc.) I'd just keep doing what you are doing. Being able to roam around this much is good for them, so putting them in cages now would actually probably start fights.

Which toyota sienna trim model should i choose: XLE, or Limited?

Thinking of purchasing a 2011 Toyota Sienna. Must haves are AWD and Leather interior. I don't have a great need for navigation system or dvd system. Leaning towards XLE but wondering if I should consider the Limited.

Has any tried this relaxer?

its soft sheen carson the anit breakage for coarse hair is really curly and frizzy and wanted to see what others opinions were on this before i use it.thanks!

What is the difference of a British Citizen and a British born person?

For purposes of education in this case, the children will be treated as like any other student with a British pport, or Indefinite Leave and have lived in UK for at least 3 years, or EU citizen. There should be no worry, and the government's new policies do not apply in this case. I have held a British pport for 1 year, my wife has ILR, my 19yr old son has ILR and has lived in UK for 3 years and he is going to Oxford this September.

To Christians, please answer my questions.?

To question one , answer is because of the sinful fall of man corruption entered into the world thus causing all manner of deformities. On a different note you have a problem with special ed kids? My wife teaches them and I'm here to tell you they are great kids and have more love in their little fingers than most people have in their entire bodies, now as for as ugly people, haven't you ever heard of abstract art? Question 2, answer, because he does answer prayers. question 3 answer is faith is the Evidence of things not seen and the substance of things yet hoped for. Last question well I personally would have nothing to say about it but the big might. If I were you I would not wear metallic objects for a while, just in case of a freak lightning strike or two.

What is Futurama Parodying when they talk about the supervillian president who moved all the monuments?

They say the elect a superhero mayor/president who moves/steals all the worlds monuments and puts them on monument beach

If you could choose your method of death...

But could only choose between drowning, or being burned alive, which would you choose. I know it sounds morbid but it is part of a research project.

Rate my Rap ?

it is like a teeter totter, the bars are totally uneven. You go from a ABC line in one bars and then to a HIJ in another, and then back. You lost me on a lot of the bars, and it isn't about nothin for real. Get more creative with it, Keep on trying tho. 4/10

Monday, December 12, 2011

How can I resubmit to my previous Yahoo personals account?

I use to subscribe to yahoo personals and had a picture already downloaded to that account. I want to restart that account with the same picture but use a different form of payment.

Scion xB. Are they really good?

I'm not too pleased with how it looks but it's a big gas saver from what i've researched so far....right now i have a GMC Envoy and although i love my suv....with gas prices skyrocketing on into the summer...i'm seriously considering getting one...any xB owners out there wanna fill me in on this car? Thanks a bunch!

1979 AC el tigre won't start?

i believe you answered your own question. The answer is fuel pressure. fuel line clogged or fuel pump malfunction. do a fuel pressure check...hope this helped

Does this happen to any other guys?

ok so like when i was sitting down my cousin thought it would be funny to jump on my lap and sit down so she did and she was wearing a skirt with no underwear and i was wearing bball shorts and i popped one and my ***** went in her p--sy and then i jumped up and went to my room and locked the door and listened to music.......3 days later the same thing happened with my friends sister thats 17

What would happen if you froze gummy worms, then put them in cake batter to bake?

My friend is trying to top her last years present for me for my birthday, and she wants to do a mud cake.

Are learning disabilities considered a mental illness?

NO. A learning disability is a either a neurological or cognitive disability or both, but not a mental illness. A mental illness is psychiatric in origin which no learning disability is.

Who will get custody of Malcolm and his brothers now that their parents are divorcing?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

NY dwi need advice ? HELP THANK YOU !!!!!!?

If the DUI happened in 7/08, why are you just going to court now in 11/09? If you haven't even gone to trial, then you have not been how did you lose your license already? These details are not adding up?!?!

I want videos of Gujarat riot...?

You wont find the authentic videos on this anywhere. This is because most of them are concocted or doctored ones. Actually the Gujarat riots have been hyped out of proportion for political gains.

Where can I find DIY videos on home improvement projects?

your insulting tone will get you nowhere young person, do you think if it was all that easy to become an electrician they would not need to serve a 5 year apprenticeship second only to doctors.As a retired electrician I would strongly advise you not to go down this road you are intent upon travelling as you only die once and it will be for a very long time you cannot see taste or smell electricity but if you touch it it soon makes its presence felt but any idiot will know this// oops forgot to answer question just about a violation there, sorry I don't know

What score would I get guessing on half of the questions on the verbal section of the GRE?

I took the GRE and although I think I did great on the math section and ytical writing section, I guessed on over half of the verbal section and I'm afraid I did horribly. I cancelled my score and am thinking of reinstating it just to see how I did.

I want a tattoo, Where can i see designs of Music notes?

I am 18 years old and I want a tattoo, but my parents won't let me get one. Any suggestions on how to convince them? is something meaningful to me..I want Noel written on me in memory of my grandpas (No-Norman El-Elsie) then Music notes that tie into it because I love to sing and play piano..any suggestions on designs? Thanks so much

So is the war & veto prez set 2 veto another child healthcare bill as 100s of $Bil's r being wasted in Iraq?

Now you know where he is getting the money to give the very rich people tax cuts. He has also cut veteran benefits and education among other things.

French....futur simple?

Remember that whenever you have two verbs, you always conjugate the first one, because that is the one pertaining to the subject.

This or That baby names !?

Ava, Brenda, Chloe, Daniella, Esther, Genevieve, Harlie, Isabelle, Julia, Leah, Michelle, Noelle, Ospen, Robyn, Sienna, Teresa, Valerie, Whitney=)

What's so good about having the newest technology? Iphones, ipod touches, blackberries...etc.?

Because new things are very enticing for many people. Especially when the new model is something your particularly interested in(everyone these days are obsessed with phones and texting). Its just a natural reaction to be fascinated with new toys.

What major LEGISLATIVE victories have Republicans won over President Obama?

Please name three if you can. The Republicans are soooo mighty so I know there are many examples so please name all that you can think of. Please limit your answers to only Republican victories that defeated President Obama's legislation in the House and Senate. :)

I need help!!!!!!!! (cheerleading)?

I tried out for cheerleading both seasons. Bball and fball. I didnt make it. Could any1 give me sum pointers to help me make it next year. All my friends made it but i didnt. Sum1 help me the boy i like is a bball and fball player and i wud rlly like to be a cheerleader so i can travel wit him and cheer him on. Help plz

Advice on laptop not switching on everytime and crashing after 5 min?

Registry errors are the most common cause for computer crash. The Windows Registry contains all vital information the computer references in order to operate. When your computer was brand new, the registry was in pristine condition. Over time, it gets disorganized because of new entries being added. Some entries become obsolete and no longer wanted. The registry therefore needs to be regularly cleaned. But manual cleaning is very difficult unless you are a computer expert. Removing the wrong registry entry can cause serious damage. For non experts, you need to have a registry cleaner installed. This software will fix all the registry errors it can find. It will locate invalid and useless entries and repair them.Having a good registry cleaner will restore your computer's original condition. You will be able to enjoy its speed and performance. More importantly, you can avoid computer crashes in the future.I should like to commend Registry Easy a href="" rel="nofollow" to you ! You can scan your pc for free! Good luck!

Stimulus payment?

when trying to track down my stimulus payment online they ask for the Exemptions found in question 6d. when looking thru my 1040 tax return i didnt have that option. i only have question 6 but not 6d. Does this mean that i dont qualify for a stumulus payment? Is there any other way that i could figure out if i qualify for a stimulus payment?

Atheists: Do you believe unconditional love exists like that God provides you eternally if you believe in Him?

I'm only answering this question because I get so much out of looking like I'm working when I'm not. Other than that, my responses are always unconditional. In real life, unconditional love definitely exists and I will happily send you a copy of my book, 'The existence of Unconditional love and its role in fellatio as a means of getting stuff', for the heavily discounted price of �17.99 (plus P&P).

Racialism and scientific justification?

Interesting theory. I believe that if we all just intermarry, then race can no longer be used to distinguish one from another.

Painting the basement walls? ideas for scenes to paint? rainforest, beach? any ideas welcome!?

In my mind, I can see how I would do it....It could be a little scarry however.....The blue background with the primer coat could work well....for sky and water....then, I would divide it with a horizon line about two thirds of the way down from the top....probably the horizon line would be a darker blue and take care to just blend it into the lighter blue toward the bottom. The bottom part would be for water and the same as the sky.....Then I would do dozens of trees...probably using a darker blue for the trees in the back and black for the trees closer to the bottom.....Of course, I would leave a shore line on the bottom and paint in as many trees as I could....with and without foilage.....I would overlap a lot of the limbs on the trees to make interesting spaces and then add other items of interest....perhaps birds or animals drinking from the water....Notice that the only color mentioned is blue and black....The fewer colors, the easier and more effective it will be in my opinion.....Also remember the negative spaces in the picture are just as important as the positive ones....Good luck and God bless