Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Chi Square on Linked Recessive?

I ran an experiment mating male fruit flies with a linked recessive wing mutation with virgin wild females. The expected ratio for the F2 generation would be 1 mutant male : 1 wild male : 2 wild females : 0 mutant females. Our data matched the expected ratios pretty well, but while running the chi-square to find out if our hypothesis was expected I got confused. I got all the way to where you look at the chart regarding degrees of freedom, but couldnt figure out how many degrees to use. To find the degrees of freedom we are supposed to take the amount of cles and subtract 1. I do not know if I am supposed to count mutant female as a cl bcause technically we do not get any in a linked recessive case. Should i count this and have 3 degrees of freedom, or leave them out and have 2 degrees of freedom?

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