Monday, December 19, 2011

Is organized religion the false path for spirituality bcoz it is all about absolute truth?Christians gone2far?

Spirituality can be found in yoga meditation and yoga for example is not about truth but meditation and is itself a spiritual path from within adn identifying with ourselves. Religion is totally different and seems to be nothing to do with spirituality itself. I believe in god, and I believe in love, truth, repelling evil with good, and non-violence. I don't believe in destruction and wrath of an inconsistent god like Yahweh of the bible. The bible also has far-fetchd stories, but christians believe because they KNOW that there is a higher power. But isn't god infinitely evil and unjust for eternally damning us of finite sins? My view of fellow humans is not that they shud burn in hell forever. Mine is that of complete love. I know i know god loves the whole world, but it is not justified that he lets them go to hell forever. How can christians love a god like this? And why do Jehovah's Witnesses reject hell? I fink wen jesus sed believe n neva die is ok, but not disbelieve n burn.

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