Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I am worried that I will loose my inlaws?

I split up with my ex husband 8mths ago and we are very nearly divorced now. Am just waiting for my absolute to come through which can be any day now. Things are almost the same as what they were between me and my inlaws. The only difference is that I just don't mention their son to them in a bad way as I would hate to bad mouth him to them after all it is their son. I would only talk about my ex in a general way eg he had the kids like in a conversation. To be honest they never bring his name up infront of me much either apart from general and I do find that we do all tiptoe around bringing up my exs name. It can be slightly awkward at times as I do feel that there is a barrier up between me and my inlaws nowadays. However I always make a real effort to ring them twice a week and I go and see them once a fortnight. That is as much as I used to see them but am not on the phone as much as I used to be with them. I have a new boyfriend now and have been with him for 6mths. My 3 children haven't met him yet as I wanted to wait until after xmas and don't want the upset as of yet. I am dreading my inlaws finding out that I have a new partner and just don't know what the best way of breaking it to them will be. It will be bad enough when my ex finds out and the kids meet him and my friends etc. but am I petrified that I will totally loose my inlaws. I see my inlaws as a friend/parents and have always been really close to them. The other thing that I am really worried about is that when my ex finds another girlfriend she will be the one to be made special by my inlaws and I will be pushed out the way and forgotten about. Advice needed.

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