Friday, December 16, 2011

Charging new laptop battery help?

I just got my first laptop ever and I'm a bit clueless when it comes to laptops since I always had only desktop, however I got this laptop and I was wondering if it's normal for a battery to only 'hold' 1.30hrs? because I bought a Lenovo g550 before I changed it for this one and Lenovo had about 3hours 'hold' when I turned it on without charging it first, so why would this one have so much more less? also is it maybe the reason, because I haven't charged this new laptop (MSI cx605) for 12 hrs yet? because I read some sites say you don't have to charge it that long, but when you get a new cellphone you gotta charge it for 12-24 hrs too, so can you please tell me if I have to do it with my laptop too and if then my battery wil hold longer like Lenovo's did?

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