Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Do I need a psychologist?

So to start, im 16 years old. About 3 months back I had a mental breakdown. Its the first time Its ever happened in my life and it was horrible. Im wondering If I need to see a therapist or if theres other alternatives to what the problem could be opposed to some serious mental condition. Over the past 3 years Ive experimented with mushrooms(psilocybin). Mainly over last school year, about a year back, I did mushrooms probably around fifteen times. So lets see... events leading up to my mental break... 8 months of weed smoking EVERY day,doing mush on weekends, during the last 2-3 months leading up to my meltdown I had been smoking upwards of an eigth of marijuana a day. I went on a camping trip with some friends and took 4 double doses of LSD and during the entire trip all I could do was ridicule myself for feeling so stupid. It was so unbelievably hard to think, my mind just made sort of a buzzing sound at any attempt to think or even form a sentence. I had done lsd 2 times before this but never so much and have never experienced any negative repercussions. Since I have been questioning alot about how the normal person thinks... whether I completely diminished my seratonin levels, but none the less ive been experiencing periods of great bliss and periods of extreme depression that usually can change about every 2-3 days. I dont know if I could also be a result of the legal bud or "spice" ive been smoking and constant weed smoking lately or if I had some pre disposition to bipolar disorder since my mom was diagnosed with anxiety issues but had symptoms seriously related to bipolar disorder and my great grandma was schizophrenic, also my mom ped 4 years ago when I was twelve I dont know some residual feelings could be contributing to my mood I never saw a therapist but I dont think its really too relevant. I just want to be okay. sometimes I just cant help but feel like I messed up my memory or somethings wrong with me I just dont know what to do. Im thinking possibly completely stopping weed smoking could help me level out but Id appreciate any advice. My apologies for the blunt title its just something ive been yzing so much and am so apprehensive to I think i need some other opinions.

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