Monday, December 12, 2011

Painting the basement walls? ideas for scenes to paint? rainforest, beach? any ideas welcome!?

In my mind, I can see how I would do it....It could be a little scarry however.....The blue background with the primer coat could work well....for sky and water....then, I would divide it with a horizon line about two thirds of the way down from the top....probably the horizon line would be a darker blue and take care to just blend it into the lighter blue toward the bottom. The bottom part would be for water and the same as the sky.....Then I would do dozens of trees...probably using a darker blue for the trees in the back and black for the trees closer to the bottom.....Of course, I would leave a shore line on the bottom and paint in as many trees as I could....with and without foilage.....I would overlap a lot of the limbs on the trees to make interesting spaces and then add other items of interest....perhaps birds or animals drinking from the water....Notice that the only color mentioned is blue and black....The fewer colors, the easier and more effective it will be in my opinion.....Also remember the negative spaces in the picture are just as important as the positive ones....Good luck and God bless

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