Thursday, December 22, 2011

Why the HELL can't I pick Dale Jr. nor Kyle Busch in Yahoo! Fantasy Auto Racing???????

You probably used up all their starts. Each racer can only be used 9 times over the entire course of the season and you have likely burned through all their starts. Time to look at the other guys in the "B" group, there are plenty of other quality guys there but you are pretty well screwed by not picking other guys before now. It is equal parts luck and skill, know when to start each guy and on what tracks do they tend to do well and which tracks do they struggle. It is a game that requires some skill and knowledge of how guys do on particular tracks and knowing when it is better to start a guy you might not otherwise favor. Time to fall in love with the Biffles, Kahnes and Mark Martins of the "B" world for you.

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