Sunday, December 18, 2011

Which came first; the chicken or the egg?

After more than 7,000 years of man's existence, scientists have now "discovered" that the chicken came first. (Recent breakthrough in English science). If they had read the account in the book of Genesis, written over 3,500 years ago they would have seen that God had already told them that the chicken came first.- Gen. 1 19-21 shows God created the birds, and for that matter everything else in full mature form. This rule also applied to the trees and even the rocks; all when created would have an appearance of age. - Adam was created as a mature person, not an egg. He would have had the appearance of being maybe 18 to 25 years old when created. - Science gets things right sometimes, even if it does take a long time. Do you think science is right this time?

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