Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What would happen if English was the official language of America?

um making English the official language doesn't affect your freedom to speak whatever language you want in your personal life... they're not going to FORCE you to speak english 24/7. making it the official language just means that all government activities (federal, state, local, schools, etc.) would be in english. right now, schools with a high population of people that don't speak english must hand out flyers in other languages so everybody can read them (for example, where i life, there is a high Armenian population, so students with armenian parents have the option of receiving flyers in armenian rather than english); this won't be mandatory if english was the official language. translators are local programs and bilingual ballots would be elminated. it would kind of be an "every man for himself" type thing; if you can't speak english, you'd just have to deal with it.

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