Friday, December 16, 2011

Desperately In Need Of 20 Questions Answered On Harry Potter Sorcerer's Stone Book?

What odd thing occurred as Voldemort's disapperance was being celebrated? After Dudley learned of Mrs Figgs broken leg why did he pretend to cry?Harry moved into Dudleys 2nd bedroom right after what? Hagrid lost his temper and tried to turn Dudley into a pig right after what? Everyone in the Leaky Cauldron suddlenly went still & silent when they what?What happened when Harry waved the 1st wand Mr. Ollivender gave him?Ron was given scabbers instead of an owl because?During the Sorting Cere. what horrible thought struck Harry? Pro.McGunagall toook Harry to Oliver Wood after she saw Harry do what?How did Malfoy tirck Harry after challenging him to a wizard duel? When Harry saw Snaped injured leg he thought Snape had?Wood told Harry to finish the game against Hufflepuff early before? How did Harry make Fluffy fall asleep?Harry was able to walk through the black fire after? Why was Harry able to get the Stone out of the mirror?

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