Friday, December 16, 2011

Having troubles losing fat, diet help?

I happen to be a tad bit chubby. For about 2 and a half months now, I've been exercising regularly. I started out at 182, now I'm about 191. I'm certain that 9 lb gain was from muscle, because I've been eating healthier and not as much as I used to. But, I still have quite a bit of excess fat around my chest and stomach. I think I need to change my diet more. Admittedly, while I haven't been eating junk food, I've been eating a lot more chicken and turkey for lunches and dinner, and oatmeal for breakfast. But I still feel I should change it a bit more. Any help would be much appreciated. As of now, I'm a 19 yro 5'9'' 191 lbs.

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